Designer Jobs
A designer is one who designs things, especially things that are meant to be attractive, functional, communicative, and so on. A designer is usually employed by one person who wishes to produce an object or item of particular beauty, usefulness, or effect, and by another who wants to see it perfected in some way. A designer usually does not create the object directly but constructs it from certain tools and materials. Sometimes he may also need to hire someone else to do the designing.
A graphic designer, for example, specializes in producing figures and drawings. The job of an industrial designer, meanwhile, involves using computer software to formulate ways of presenting data, such as images or charts, in such a way that they can be easily understood by people using machines or industrial equipment. Designers ranges from artists or educators, to computer programmers, to architects.
Some designers specialize in only one particular type of product, such as industrial design, while others are capable of producing almost any kind of product that needs to be produced in large quantities. Interior designers, for instance, specialize in arranging and furnishing spaces in order to make them appealing to potential buyers. The work of architects, on the other hand, is concentrated mainly on the construction itself, but the designer also uses his expertise to improve the functionality of the structure by making it more appealing, spacious, or efficient at the same time. Designer jobs are very popular and growing fields.