Designer – An Artist’s Way

A designer is usually defined by their ability to create original and unique designs for specific purposes, irrespective of the end uses of the objects designed. A designer is a person who can create objects and means of communications that meet the requirements of the users in a particular field of activity. A designer is also called upon to prepare technical documents and proposals for designing systems, and may be asked to prepare reports on such systems. A designer is a person whose work involves the development of ideas for new products, construction, industrial, architectural and other designs.


A designer is usually defined as a person who can produce or design things that have particular qualities not found in nature and/or cannot be known by people who do not possess the necessary skills to produce similar results. A designer may be a single person who is employed by a company to develop new products, or he may be a group or team of persons working in close cooperation in order to solve problems. In addition, a designer can be defined as a manufacturer or a distributor who designs and manufactures goods that are suitable for mass production. However, the term designer is applied more frequently to describe a type of official who exercises authority and control over the design and production of certain objects, particularly buildings, art pieces and furniture. A good designer/designer should be able to establish the vision and end result of any project, and should be able to create a model from raw materials in order to assess the quantity and quality of each part of the object.

Designers who work in universities usually supervise and advise those who specialise in one of the many technical disciplines that comprise the faculty of arts. Designers who specialise in decorative arts may teach courses in applied decorative arts (also known as applied decorative design or ADIA). ADIA specialists include interior designers, landscape architects, decorators, furniture and fabric designers, carpenters and many others. In addition, there areADIA consultants who provide a more complete solution when it comes to client-designer cooperation.